Our aim is to achieve an environment where children develop self-discipline and respect for others.
All staff act as role models and will encourage kindness, friendliness and sharing.
If a child has behaved inappropriately we will inform the parent/carer of the incident if we feel it is necessary.
Health and Safety
Children are supervised at all times by a member of staff and toys are regularly checked for safety.
If a child is unwell during the morning we will contact the parent/carer to come and collect their child.
A fire drill is practised every half-term.
No smoking is prohibited on site.
Special Educational Needs
In accordance with OFSTED directives, if a child enters Pre-School with an injury/accident; the cause and description of that injury is detailed in an accident on arrival book.
The parent/carer must also sign this book.
We intend to create an setting where we support children in their learning and development, as Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 specifies.
Our aim is to create a happy environment in which children feel safe, suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded with by reporting to relevant agencies.
These guidelines are in line with our relevant Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), changes in children’s behaviour/appearance will be investigated.
All mobile phones are kept in a locked cupboard throughout the session, any visitors are asked to switch their phones off when entering.
At our open day, which is prior to the child starting, at Elm Road Pre-school all parent/carers complete a child protection declaration form and made aware of procedures and location of safeguarding issues, and our policies are made available for more details.
We aim to adhere to the DFEE Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs, to provide a welcome and appropriate learning opportunities for all children.
All children where possible should have access to a Pre-School.
Elm Road Pre-School recognises the wide range of special needs that children and families in the community may have, and will consider what part it can play in meeting their requirements, the building is adapted for wheelchair users etc.
Trips and outings will take into account the needs of children and relevant adjustments will be made to incorporate their needs.
We have a Special Educational Needs co-ordinator responsible for the liaisons with outside agencies to help meet children’s specific needs.
Our system of observations and record keeping enables us to effectively monitor the children’s needs and progress, on an individual basis.
Local Offer
The ‘Local Offer’ is a list of local support and services for families with children with special educational needs or disabilities. It will provide you and your family with information about what is available to you in your local area.
To read more, go to: