Trips & Visits
Each year the children and their families have the opportunity to take part in community events.
Gatley Festival 2022
We travel together on the tractor and float through the village of Gatley. Families are encouraged to join us on our trip. The children are very excited and proud to be part of the community. Our theme this year to fir with celebrations was "green"

A friendly visitor!
whilst doing our "people who help us topic" we had a special visit from Teddy the Westie!
Water Fun Day!
We thought we’d bring the seaside to Pre-School!
As our garden is always nice and shady and we have the gazebo, We thought we would get our paddling pool out!

Easter Sponsored Walk 2021
Our Easter walk was great fun!! Our little bunnies even had a bunny biscuit for snack
All the boys and girls took home a certificate and a chocolate lolly!
Thank you for your sponsor money it is greatly appreciated,